Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement (Jan 2016)
Synthèse bibliographique sur le comportement de recherche de l'hôte chez la punaise de lit (Cimex lectularius) et applications dans le cadre de la lutte intégrée
Host-seeking behavior in the bed bug (Cimex lectularius) and applications in integrated pest management. A review. Description of the subject. This study analyzes host-seeking behavior in the common bed bug, Cimex lectularius, paying particular attention to human stimuli involved in this orientation process. The potential applications in integrated pest management are discussed. Literature. The common bed bug is an obligate hematophagous that has been associated with humans for millennia. When searching for food, this insect relies for orientation on signals produced by its hosts. Carbon dioxide emitted by human respiration is more attractive to bugs than body heat. The response of bed bugs to other volatile organic compounds released by the human body has been tested, but their perception and behavioral impact are not always studied together, and some discrepancies occasionally appear. Conclusions. Currently, carbon dioxide is the most efficient lure for bed bugs, although real human bait is more attractive. Some home-made traps baited with dry ice are more efficient than other traps using complicated chemical blends. Dry ice seems to be more efficient as a lure than complex chemical blends, and it can be used in simple traps. Our knowledge of host-seeking behavior in bed bugs is still partial and new questions are constantly arising. Further efforts in the study of the chemical ecology of this process are needed in order to improve the management of this pest. The control of bed bugs in European countries appears to be a major challenge for the years to come.