Data in Brief (Oct 2019)
Techno-economic data for decentralised energy system sizing for rural areas in Benin. A case study of the village of Fouay
This data article is related to the research article “O.D.T. Odou, R. Bhandari, R. Adamou, Hybrid off-grid renewable power system for sustainable rural electrification in Benin, Renew. Energy. 145 (2020) 1266–1279. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2019.06.032.’’. The data presented are grouped into four (04) groups as follows: Load, Ressources, Components costs and specification and Optimization and Simulation data. The data are mainly acquired from onsite survey for the load demand, National Direction of Water (DGeau) for rivers streamflow, National Direction of Meteorology (DNM) for meteorological data, expert knowledge and HOMER software model output data. An empirical method is used to estimate the river streamflow at Fouay from the known gauged streamflow data. The purpose of this article is to make available reliable open access data to allow replicability and enhance research in similar studies while giving first-hand information to users. Keywords: HOMER, Rural electrification, Energy, Off-grid, Sizing