Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия Филология: Журналистика (Nov 2022)
On the problem of changing the norms of the modern Russian language
The Russian language of the second and third decades of the twentieth century is undergoing signifi cant changes. In the modern digital world, the media is losing its position as the most infl uential sphere of communication, giving way to social networks that are far from normative. The monitoring of the state of modern speech (colloquial, mass media, scientifi c, business, artistic) carried out by the authors of this article shows that a number of changes are taking place in it. Notional parts of speech regularly undergo semantic and stylistic transformations. So, in recent decades, in the media and colloquial speech, words with attributive meaning lose semes or are desemanticized. In the second case, they are used as communicatives. Apparently, this process is primary for colloquial speech, from where it spreads to other spheres of communication. The functioning of many words in modern Russian speech refl ects the negative consequences of the process of its democratization. Thus, despite the process of self-purifi cation of the language noted by O.B. Sirotinina, non-literary inclusions, unfortunately, still penetrate the literary language from other strata. The vocabulary of the Russian language is actively and not always appropriately replenished with borrowings (in most cases – from English). The attitude of native speakers to the norm is changing: the treatment of the word, unfortunately, becomes more liberal and careless. This, in turn, leads to the risk of impoverishing the language.