Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry (Jan 2018)
Risk indicators for root caries in geriatric population of Lucknow City: A cross-sectional study
Introduction: Prevention of root caries among geriatric population is of concern for both general and oral health. It is generally accepted that appropriate prevention regimes for root caries should be based on accurate risk assessments. Aim: This study aims to assess the risk indicators for root caries in geriatric population of Lucknow. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed to determine the risk indicators for root caries in elderly population of Lucknow. A sample of 295 subjects was taken, aged 60–74 years. Data collection was done using a pro forma and all relevant information was noted. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 17.0 (Chicago, Inc., USA). Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression analysis were applied to know the statistical significance. Results: The prevalence of root caries was 93.5%. Statistically significant differences (P < 0.05) observed across family income, education, tobacco history, oral hygiene index simplified, and community periodontal index. Conclusion: Overall, the prevalence of root caries was very high among geriatric population. Oral health policies and preventive measures are needed focusing on the special needs and socially deprived population to improve the quality of life.