The Astrophysical Journal (Jan 2024)
SN2023fyq: A Type Ibn Supernova with Long-standing Precursor Activity Due to Binary Interaction
- Yize Dong,
- Daichi Tsuna,
- Stefano Valenti,
- David J. Sand,
- Jennifer E. Andrews,
- K. Azalee Bostroem,
- Griffin Hosseinzadeh,
- Emily Hoang,
- Saurabh W. Jha,
- Daryl Janzen,
- Jacob E. Jencson,
- Michael Lundquist,
- Darshana Mehta,
- Aravind P. Ravi,
- Nicolas E. Meza Retamal,
- Jeniveve Pearson,
- Manisha Shrestha,
- Alceste Z. Bonanos,
- D. Andrew Howell,
- Nathan Smith,
- Joseph Farah,
- Daichi Hiramatsu,
- Koichi Itagaki,
- Curtis McCully,
- Megan Newsome,
- Estefania Padilla Gonzalez,
- Emmanouela Paraskeva,
- Craig Pellegrino,
- Giacomo Terreran,
- Joshua Haislip,
- Vladimir Kouprianov,
- Daniel E. Reichart
- Yize Dong
- Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California , 1 Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616-5270, USA ;
- Daichi Tsuna
- TAPIR, Mailcode 350-17, California Institute of Technology , Pasadena, CA 91125, USA; Research Center for the Early Universe (RESCEU), School of Science, The University of Tokyo , 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
- Stefano Valenti
- Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California , 1 Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616-5270, USA ;
- David J. Sand
- Steward Observatory, University of Arizona , 933 North Cherry Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85721-0065, USA
- Jennifer E. Andrews
- Gemini Observatory , 670 North A‘ohoku Place, Hilo, HI 96720-2700, USA
- K. Azalee Bostroem
- Steward Observatory, University of Arizona , 933 North Cherry Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85721-0065, USA
- Griffin Hosseinzadeh
- Steward Observatory, University of Arizona , 933 North Cherry Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85721-0065, USA
- Emily Hoang
- Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California , 1 Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616-5270, USA ;
- Saurabh W. Jha
- Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey , 136 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019, USA
- Daryl Janzen
- Department of Physics & Engineering Physics, University of Saskatchewan , 116 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E2, Canada
- Jacob E. Jencson
- Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University , 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA; Space Telescope Science Institute , 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA
- Michael Lundquist
- W. M. Keck Observatory , 65-1120 Māmalahoa Highway, Kamuela, HI 96743-8431, USA
- Darshana Mehta
- Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California , 1 Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616-5270, USA ;
- Aravind P. Ravi
- Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California , 1 Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616-5270, USA ;
- Nicolas E. Meza Retamal
- Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California , 1 Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616-5270, USA ;
- Jeniveve Pearson
- Steward Observatory, University of Arizona , 933 North Cherry Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85721-0065, USA
- Manisha Shrestha
- Steward Observatory, University of Arizona , 933 North Cherry Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85721-0065, USA
- Alceste Z. Bonanos
- IAASARS, National Observatory of Athens , Metaxa & Vas. Pavlou Street, 15236, Penteli, Athens, Greece
- D. Andrew Howell
- Las Cumbres Observatory , 6740 Cortona Drive, Suite 102, Goleta, CA 93117-5575, USA; Department of Physics, University of California , Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9530, USA
- Nathan Smith
- Steward Observatory, University of Arizona , 933 North Cherry Avenue, Rm. N204, Tucson, AZ 85721-0065, USA
- Joseph Farah
- Las Cumbres Observatory , 6740 Cortona Drive, Suite 102, Goleta, CA 93117-5575, USA; Department of Physics, University of California , Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9530, USA
- Daichi Hiramatsu
- Center for Astrophysics ∣ Harvard & Smithsonian , 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138-1516, USA; The NSF AI Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions , USA
- Koichi Itagaki
- Itagaki Astronomical Observatory , Yamagata 990-2492, Japan
- Curtis McCully
- Las Cumbres Observatory , 6740 Cortona Drive, Suite 102, Goleta, CA 93117-5575, USA; Department of Physics, University of California , Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9530, USA
- Megan Newsome
- Las Cumbres Observatory , 6740 Cortona Drive, Suite 102, Goleta, CA 93117-5575, USA; Department of Physics, University of California , Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9530, USA
- Estefania Padilla Gonzalez
- Las Cumbres Observatory , 6740 Cortona Drive, Suite 102, Goleta, CA 93117-5575, USA; Department of Physics, University of California , Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9530, USA
- Emmanouela Paraskeva
- IAASARS, National Observatory of Athens , Metaxa & Vas. Pavlou Street, 15236, Penteli, Athens, Greece
- Craig Pellegrino
- Department of Astronomy, University of Virginia , Charlottesville, VA 22904, USA
- Giacomo Terreran
- Las Cumbres Observatory , 6740 Cortona Drive, Suite 102, Goleta, CA 93117-5575, USA; Department of Physics, University of California , Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9530, USA
- Joshua Haislip
- Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina , 120 East Cameron Avenue, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA
- Vladimir Kouprianov
- Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina , 120 East Cameron Avenue, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA
- Daniel E. Reichart
- Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina , 120 East Cameron Avenue, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA
- Journal volume & issue
Vol. 977,
no. 2
p. 254
We present photometric and spectroscopic observations of SN 2023fyq, a Type Ibn supernova (SN) in the nearby galaxy NGC 4388 ( D ≃ 18 Mpc). In addition, we trace the 3 yr long precursor emission at the position of SN 2023fyq using data from DLT40, ATLAS, Zwicky Transient Facility, ASAS-SN, Swift, and amateur astronomer Koichi Itagaki. The double-peaked postexplosion light curve reaches a luminosity of ∼10 ^43 erg s ^−1 . The strong intermediate-width He lines observed in the nebular spectrum imply the interaction is still active at late phases. We found that the precursor activity in SN 2023fyq is best explained by the mass transfer in a binary system involving a low-mass He star and a compact companion. An equatorial disk is likely formed in this process (∼0.6 M _⊙ ), and the interaction of SN ejecta with this disk powers the second peak of the SN. The early SN light curve reveals the presence of dense extended material (∼0.3 M _⊙ ) at ∼3000 R _⊙ ejected weeks before the SN explosion, likely due to final-stage core silicon burning or runaway mass transfer resulting from binary orbital shrinking, leading to rapid-rising precursor emission within ∼30 days prior to explosion. The final explosion could be triggered either by the core collapse of the He star or by the merger of the He star with a compact object. SN 2023fyq, along with SN 2018gjx and SN 2015G, forms a unique class of Type Ibn SNe, which originate in binary systems and are likely to exhibit detectable long-lasting pre-explosion outbursts with magnitudes ranging from −10 to −13.