Edukacja Ustawiczna Dorosłych (Dec 2021)
Analiza aspektów organizacyjnych funkcjonowania modelu kształcenia dualnego realizowanego w ramach Radomskiego Klastra Metalowego – wyniki badań ankietowych (część 1)
The article presents the results of a survey concerning the analysis of the functioning of the dual education model implemented by the Metal Cluster in Radom. The survey was conducted by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Radom with the support of Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Sustainable Technologies. The research was carried out in 2021 on the following groups of respondents: 54 students participating in practical training organized in the form of dual education in the school profession “Cutting tool operator”; 11 representatives of VET education and 16 representatives of companies where students had had their practical training. The respondents answered questions in four domains: 1) Organization of practical training in the form of dual education; 2) Mastering the learning outcomes distinguished in the curriculum; 3) Satisfaction, usefulness and difficulties related to the implementation of practical training in companies, and 4) Employability of graduates and the interest of companies from the metal industry in dual education in other school professions. This article presents the results of research on the organization of dual education. The remaining aspects of dual education will be analysed in the next article published in the Journal of Continuing Education (issue 1/2022). It will be an important hint for the development of conclusions and recommendations for the improvement of dual education.