PedActa (Aug 2018)
Egészségfejlesztés a közoktatástól az egyetemig fókuszcsoportos vizsgálatok tükrében
The WHO Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1986) considers health an upgradable value. In our study we try to approach the institutional role of these “upgradable values” in a comparative way. We compare its roles, interests, representatives in the public and higher education in the national and international field. We outline the student concepts, thereby we analyse the processes of the higher education in the context of the participants. In our research we made focus group interviews in the University of Debrecen and the University of Nyíregyháza with students in their first years (who took part in daily physical education). In the research two focus groups with 15 students represented their own institutions and they compared their health behaviour and sports practice in secondary school and university. The essence of health awareness is the will to do something for it (Pikó, 2002). Our research questions focused on this activity. How do the forms of developed health behaviour change entering the higher education? What are the main motivations of health development? According to our results the students of both universities highlighted the institutional infrastructure, the teacher’s attitude and most importantly the social effect of daily physical education.