Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial (Feb 2008)

Efeitos da exposição pré-natal e pós-natal ao etanol no córtex cerebral de ratos: um estudo do neurópilo Effects of prenatal and postnatal ethanol exposure in the cerebral cortex of rats: a study of neuropil

  • Márcio Sousa Jerônimo,
  • Nicodemos Teles de Pontes Filho,
  • Mário Ribeiro de Melo Júnior

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 44, no. 1
pp. 59 – 64


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INTRODUÇÃO: Exposição pré-natal ao etanol é freqüentemente associada a microcefalia e atraso na migração celular. O mecanismo pelo qual o etanol induz seus efeitos no desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso não é muito bem entendido. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o efeito da exposição crônica ao etanol sobre o córtex visual de ratos durante seu desenvolvimento. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Ratos Wistar provenientes do acasalamento de 30 fêmeas, divididos nos grupos etanol (n = 10) - 3 g/kg/dia - e controle (n = 10), foram utilizados nesse experimento. Os ratos foram perfundidos e o encéfalo, dividido em três partes: anterior, médio e posterior. Os cortes obtidos do fragmento posterior foram expostos à rotina histológica e submetidos a diferentes técnicas de coloração. Na análise estatística foi utilizado o teste t para comparar os pesos encefálicos e corporais. Considerou-se como nível de rejeição de hipótese nula um valor de p BACKGROUND: Prenatal exposure to ethanol is frequently associated with microencephaly and delayed cell migration. The mechanism by which ethanol affects the development of the nervous system is still not fully understood. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of chronic exposure to ethanol on the visual cortex of rats during their development. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Wistar rats, born from the mating of 30 females, were divided into two groups: those exposed to ethanol (n = 10) - 3 g/kg/day - and a control group (n = 10). The rats were perfused and brain was divided into three parts: anterior, middle and posterior. Slices taken from the posterior fragment were subjected to histological analysis routine and different staining techniques. A statistical analysis was carried out using t test to compare brain and body weight. A value < 0,05 was considered a rejection of null hypothesis. RESULTS: There was a reduction of brain weight in different analyzed periods. There were no fiber deposits. Ectopia and neuronal heterotopia were observed. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: Ethanol has a negative effect on the development of rats, including alterations in neuronal migration and microencephaly. These alterations may help to explain some of the dysfunctions reported in patients with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).
