Bio-Protocol (Aug 2018)
Trace Fear Conditioning: Procedure for Assessing Complex Hippocampal Function in Mice
The trace fear conditioning protocol is designed to measure hippocampal function in mice. The protocol includes a neutral conditioned stimulus (tone) and an aversive unconditioned stimulus (shock), separated in time by a trace interval. The trace interval between the tone and the shock critically involves the hippocampus and could be used to evaluate hippocampal-dependent learning and memory. In this protocol, we presented mice with five pairings of tone and shock separated by a 20 sec trace interval. Freezing was measured 24 h after conditioning to evaluate contextual memory by placing mice in the conditioned chamber. In addition, 48 h after conditioning, freezing was measured in a dark chamber, which served as a different context. This method enables precise detection of hippocampal-dependent learning and memory following pharmacological and genetic manipulations that impair or enhance hippocampal function.