Вісник Київського національного університету культури і мистецтв. Серія: Аудіовізуальне мистецтво і виробництво (Apr 2024)

Master’s Photo Art Project “Never Again?!”

  • Едуард Странадко,
  • Анастасія Канайло

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 1


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The author’s idea for the Master’s photo art project was to create a photo project about the elderly who are over 80 years old. It was based on the desire to reveal the inner world and life experience of the elderly. The photo project reflects not only the external beauty of the aged but also the deep emotions captured in the eyes and expressions of the characters. The series consists of portraits of both men and women that become a kind of story, telling the story of the courage, resilience and inner strength of those who witnessed the remarkable historical events over many decades. These photographs, which convey expressive emotions of pain and fatigue, try not only to capture the physical appearance of the heroes but also to convey their experience, courage and unwavering belief in peace and justice, even in the most challenging times for Ukraine. Through the details on the faces, one can feel the deep emotional grief and the burden of life experiences placed on these people’s shoulders over the years. The eyes are the centrepiece of the photographs and attract special attention. They are imbued with pain and sadness from having to relive the war period. The deep wrinkles around the eyes add to the intense expressiveness, showing that time has taken its toll and left its marks on the faces. The sad eyes and closed lips express fatigue and exhaustion, indicating the burden of the years behind the characters. Some of them still have hope for liberation from physical or emotional suffering, while others are depressed and hopeless.
