Baština (Jan 2018)
From history into geography: Natural space as the identity source in the novel the World Traveller
In the Romanesque opus of David Albachary appeared after the emigration in Canada, the novel the World Traveller somehow takes up a special place. By the emphasising of the importance of nature and natural surrounding for the development of identical characteristics of this novel hero, this novel additionally makes the ways of constructions of narrative identity being realized by the mutual co-operation of thematic and formal characteristics of this oeuvre more complicated. Narrative identity as dynamic construction is the most frequently shaped in the relation toward the Other one. In the novels of David Albachary with the theme of emigration, the Other represents a new culturo-historical space in which heroes of his novel leave, and voluntarily or non-voluntarily, adapt to. In the novel the World Traveller this space besides historical, linguistic and cultural dimension, gets biologico-natural dimension so that narrative identity starts arising from mutual action of history and geography, that is language and story as Albachary himself states it.