The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Aug 2019)
KVK Mobile App: An ICT tool to empower farmers
An android-based mobile application, viz. KVK Mobile App has been developed to facilitate farmers by providing vast amount of knowledge generated at Krishi Vigyan Kendra (s). Farmer has to register into this app and select the Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) which is located in the district to which the farmer belongs. The registered farmers can access package of practices for crops and animals developed by the KVK. Farmers can send any farm related query to the experts available in the KVK and get resolution of their problem through this app. The mobile app contains details of information on facilities available at KVK for farmers. Information on past and future events of KVK is available through this application. There are provisions in the app to access agro meteorological advisory and market price of agricultural commodities. This mobile app can be very useful particularly for the farmers who often find difficulty in reaching to the KVK physically due to geographical constraint. This app can be downloaded from Google Play Store as well as from KVK Portal (https://kvk. icar. gov. in/). This mobile app can be used as an add-on to the extension system established between KVK and farming communities for enhanced communication.