Akofena (Mar 2024)
From Learners to Researchers: Exploring Algerian EFL Graduate Students’ Autonomy in Dissertation Writing
Abstract: This research paper calls for a deeper exploration of learner autonomy in the context of writing dissertations in English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Achieving university-level research requires advanced abilities to overcome complex research-related challenges while adhering to strict academic standards and expectations. Consequently, fostering Learner Autonomy (LA) among graduate students becomes crucial. This study investigated the perspectives of EFL Algerian teachers and students on LA, employing four distinct lenses: the understanding and significance of LA, autonomy levels and readiness to engage in research, challenges faced in maintaining autonomy during the dissertation writing process, and strategies for developing LA among student writers/researchers. To this end, a randomly selected sample of 65 respondents from six Algerian universities across diverse regions of the country (north, west, south, and east) participated in an online questionnaire. The data was then analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The findings allowed for framing LA from the participants’ perspectives and identifying different practices to promote autonomous learning as students progress from mere learners to researchers. Based on the data discussed, this study offered implications for key stakeholders in higher education. Keywords: Learner autonomy, thesis/dissertation writing, research, graduate students, higher education