OncoImmunology (Jan 2021)

CS1-specific single-domain antibodies labeled with Actinium-225 prolong survival and increase CD8+ T cells and PD-L1 expression in Multiple Myeloma

  • Kim De Veirman,
  • Janik Puttemans,
  • Ahmet Krasniqi,
  • Thomas Ertveldt,
  • Heleen Hanssens,
  • Ema Romao,
  • Dirk Hose,
  • Cleo Goyvaert,
  • Philip Vlummens,
  • Serge Muyldermans,
  • Karine Breckpot,
  • Frank Bruchertseifer,
  • Alfred Morgenstern,
  • Matthias D’Huyvetter,
  • Nick Devoogdt

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 1


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Multiple myeloma (MM) is a hematological malignancy characterized by the presence of clonal plasma cells in the bone marrow niche. Despite significant therapeutic advances, MM remains incurable for the majority of patients. Targeted radionuclide therapy (TRNT) has emerged as a promising treatment option to eradicate residual cancer cells. In this study, we developed and characterized single-domain antibodies (sdAbs) against the MM-antigen CS1 and evaluated its therapeutic potential in MM using TRNT. We first validated CS1 as potential target for TRNT. CS1 is expressed in normal and malignant plasma cells in different disease stages including progression and relapse. It is expressed in dormant as well as proliferating MM cells, while low expression could be observed in environmental cells. Biodistribution studies demonstrated the specific uptake of anti-CS1 sdAbs in tissues of 5TMM cell infiltration including bone, spleen and liver. TRNT using anti-CS1 sdAbs labeled with actinium-225 significantly prolonged survival of syngeneic, immunocompetent 5T33MM mice. In addition, we observed an increase in CD8+ T-cells and more overall PD-L1 expression on immune and non-immune cells, implying an interferon gamma signature using actinium-225 labeled CS1-directed sdAbs. In this proof-of-principle study, we highlight, for the first time, the therapeutic potential and immunomodulating effects of anti-CS1 radionuclide therapy to target residual MM cells.
