Revue d'ethnoécologie (Jun 2022)
The Pala’wan Highlanders and the World they live in: “A Weaving of Golden Threads”
Nicole Revel, Emeritus senior researcher at CNRS, Doctor Honoris causa (Humanities) Ateneo de Manila University, Linguist and anthropologist, works since 1970 in the Philippines. In collaboration with the Palawan Highlanders she described their language (1979) and their knowledge about Nature (1990-92). She also published part of their oral Tradition. Focusing on Austronesian languages, she conducted a workshop at CeDRASEMI on Rice in SEA. Atlas of the vocabulary of the plant (1988).From 1990 to 2001, coordination of an international seminar on “Epics” in the Integral Study of Silk Roads, Roads of dialogue. Since then she is committed to the safeguarding of the literatures of voice.After co-creating Language-Music-Society (LMS), she became a member of the unit CNRS-MNHN Eco-anthropology and is actively involved in teaching Lingusitics - Anthropology at Musée de l’Homme.