Bìznes Inform (Dec 2020)
Analyzing the European Practice on the Formation and Functioning of Local Self-Government and the System of Public Management of Territory Development
Effective until 2014 in Ukraine, the system of local self-government did not meet the existing needs of society. The functioning of local self-government bodies in most territorial communities did not provide the formation and support of the proper level of quality of life of citizens, necessary for the full development of people, their self-realization, protection of rights, provision of high-quality and affordable administrative, social and other services, did not create a favorable living space in the respective territories. The process of formation and development of the Ukrainian State required urgent reform of the administrative-territorial, political system and the establishment of a democratic institution of public power - local self-government, which is defined as the right and real capacity of a territorial community within the laws and powers to independently solve the issues of local development of their territories. Therefore, the reform of decentralization of power in Ukraine in 2014 was defined as one of the priorities, which provides for the construction of an effective system of territorial organization of power and public management of socio-economic development of territories. A detailed study of the experience of the formation and functioning of local self-government, best practices of the world countries, and in particular the EU countries, which have achieved sustainable development of territories and improved the welfare of their citizens, is relevant for the development of modern Ukraine and its regions and territories, as well as for the formation of its own effective public administration system at the local level.