Między Oryginałem a Przekładem (Dec 2024)

„Dziękuję Ci że nie jest wszystko tylko białe albo czarne”

  • Joanna Kubaszczyk

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 30, no. 4/66


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“THANK YOU THAT EVERYTHING IS NOT JUST WHITE OR BLACK”. ON THE TRANSLATION OF RELIGIOUS VOCABULARY INTO GERMAN IN POETRY BY JAN TWARDOWSKI Poems by the priest Jan Twardowski are considered an outstanding example of religious lyric poetry. The aim of the article is to analyze his translated works in terms of the adequacy of the translation religious vocabulary and to answer the question of whether the translators managed to preserve not only the literal meaning of the works but also the nuanced meanings inherent in the original, and to indicate the difficulties that should be noted in this type of translation. The focus is on terminological issues, ambiguity, intertextual references, and metaphors. Conclusions of a general nature concern cultural competence in relation to the so-called high culture.
