Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy (Jan 2021)
Effects of treatment status and life quality on anxiety in MMT patients
Abstract Background Anxiety, an important factor that affects the therapeutic effect and preservation rate of methadone maintenance treatment, has a high prevalence among MMT patients. This study aims to investigate the effects of treatment status and life quality on anxiety in MMT patients. Methods One hundred and Seventy-seven methadone maintenance treatment users in Guangzhou, China were evaluated. The socio-demographic, duration and MMT-related characteristics were documented. Anxiety level and quality of life were evaluated by Beck Anxiety inventory (BAI) and the Quality of Life-Drug Addiction (QOL-DA) respectively. The correlation between different factors and BAI score was also analyzed. Results The BAI total score and the QOL-DA score were 7.1±8.2, 163.5±21.4 respectively. 30.5% of the subjects showed mild to severe anxiety. Treatment interruption and QOL-DA score had strong correlations with the score of BAI, with correlation coefficients of 0.17 and − 0.08 respectively. Conclusions Anxiety symptoms were commonly presented in MMT patients. Treatment interruption and quality of life are two major factors affecting anxiety of MMT patients.