Journal of Medicinal Plants (May 2008)

The Effects of Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. Seed Extract on Glycemic Control in Type II Diabetic Patient’s Candidate for Insulin Therapy Visiting Endocrinology Clinic in Baqiyatallah Hospital in the Years of 2006

  • M Ramezani,
  • M Azarabadi,
  • H Fallah huseini,
  • H Abdi,
  • G Baher,
  • M Huseini

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 26
pp. 79 – 84


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Background: Diabetes mellitus type II is a chronic disease that is defined as insulin resistance situation and results in hyperglycemia and even some metabolic complications. Most of the uncontrolled type II diabetic patients preferred to continue oral therapy or alternative therapy such as herbal medicine instead of insulin therapy. Objective: We conducted this study to assess the effects of Silybum marrianum L. seed extract (silymarin) an herbal medicine on glycemic control in type II diabetes mellitus in patients who are intended to be under insulin therapy. Method: A 2-month randomized clinical trial study was conducted in two-well-matched groups of type II diabetes patients candidate for insulin therapy. One group (n=30) received 200 mg silymarin tablet three times per day plus standard therapy, while the control group (n=30) received placebo plus standard therapy. The patients were visited monthly and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C), fasting blood glucose (FBS), blood sugar 2 hour post prandial (BS 2hpp), total cholesterol, LDL and HDL, triglyceride, creatinine, SGOT and SGPT levels were determined at the beginning and the end of the study after two months. Results: There was significant decrease in HbA1C levels from 9.81 to 8.25 at the end of the study in silymarin treated group but it was increased from 9.83 to 10.21 in placebo treated group. In silymarin treated group the fasting blood glucose 196 mg/dl blood sugar 2 hour post prandial 268 mg/dl, total cholesterol 211mg/dl, and LDL cholesterol129 mg/dl was decreased significantly to 160 mg/dl, 218 mg/dl, 193 mg/dl and 107mg/dl respectively. In placebo treated groups there was no significant change in any blood parameters after 2-months as compare to beginning of the study. Statistical analysis indicate that the decrease in HbA1C, fasting blood glucose and blood sugar 2 hour post prandial levels after two months was significantly decrease in silymarin treated group as compare to placebo treated group. Conclusion: Treatment of silymarin 600 mg in 3 divided doses showed positive glycemic control as well as hypolipidemic effect in type II diabetic patients need to be under insulin therapy.
