STAR Protocols (Jun 2024)

Protocol for generating and analyzing organ-on-chip using human and mouse intestinal organoids

  • Inga Viktoria Hensel,
  • Michelle Steinhauer,
  • Richard Fairless,
  • Martin Resnik-Docampo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 2
p. 103037


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Summary: Organ-on-chip technology is a powerful tool for in vitro modeling. Combining it with organoids overcomes lumen inaccessibility while preserving cellular diversity and function of the intestinal epithelium. Here, we present a protocol for generating and analyzing organ-on-chips using human and mouse intestinal organoids. This protocol covers organoid line establishment, single-cell dissociation, chip preparation, and seeding. It outlines procedures for permeability assays, RNA isolation, staining, and imaging. Additionally, we describe independent stimulation and sampling of the apical and basal side. : Publisher’s note: Undertaking any experimental protocol requires adherence to local institutional guidelines for laboratory safety and ethics.
