Medisur (Nov 2023)
Professors and students’ perceptions about the use of the portfolio in the Prevention in Health subject
Foundation: in the university pedagogy field, the teaching model adopts a new vision: developer learning and educational evaluation; in this context, the portfolio has emerged in recent years.Objective: to assess the perception of teachers and students about the use of the portfolio as a learning tool in the Health Prevention subject.Methods: educational research, at the Cienfuegos Medical Sciences University in the first period of the 2022 academic year, a universe made up of the total number of second-year students who took the subject and the professors who served as tutors. The sample was randomly selected, 64 students and 36 teachers, who agreed to participate in the research respecting ethical principles. The interview technique was used, a semi-structured questionnaire was designed, exploring the opinion of students and teachers.Results: the teachers considered the portfolio useful for learning, as it allowed objectifying and documenting the competencies, achieving dynamism and stimulating reflection, they claimed disagreement in the evaluation, stating that it requires a lot of time. The students received guidance on the portfolio, which allowed them to prepare for their profession, organize and self-evaluate. As a weakness, they highlighted industriousness, considering it stressful, referring to the responsibility and the time available and insufficient motivation provided by the tutors.Conclusions: the portfolio is an instrument focused on learning competencies, with student participation and a type of evaluation that stimulates responsibility by applying real-life knowledge in medical practice.