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Musicalisation de la voix et du geste à l’écran dans les films anglophones contemporains, de V pour Vendetta (McTeigue, 2005) à Us (Peele, 2019)
Academic attention on contemporary cinema has particularly been focused on its “intensified” audiovisual aesthetic through increased sensory stimulation. This heightened sensory dimension, however, is not expressed in the sole audiovisual strategies of immersing the spectator in the heart of the action, but in revitalized forms of hybridization between music and cinematographic images. Many English-language films of the last two decades stand out for their subtle and dynamic interplay between the various cinematographic parameters that encourage the use of a global musical approach, which is materialized through staging strategies and audiovisual arrangements in a context conducive to their full expression. Drawing on a vast and diversified corpus, I aim to approach several recent films through the sensitive prism of an audiovisual “musicality”, examining the conditions of its possibility and manifestation as well as its effects, in the light of the cinematographic treatment of voice and choreographed movement.