Вопросы современной педиатрии (Dec 2020)

Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma with Generalized Skin Lesion in Childhood: Clinical Case

  • Timur T. Valiev,
  • Tatyana S. Belysheva,
  • Svetlana R. Varfolomeeva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 6
pp. 477 – 482


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Background. Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) represents 15% of all non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) in children, and it is characterized by aggressive course and involvement of various organs and systems (including skin) in the pathological process. Skin tumors at NHL in childhood are rare. Thus, cases of skin localization are more oftenly diagnosed at ALCL among all morphoimmunologic variants of NHLs. The description of any new case of skin lesions in patients with ALCL has undeniable interest and scientific and practical significance due to its extremely rare frequency.Clinical Case Description. Patient G., 11 years old, has firstly noted inflammatory nodes on the skin of scrotum. The generalization of skin lesions on tibia, face, lymph nodes and bones was recorded due to late admission to the hospital. The inflammatory-necrotic process has been revealed at skin histological examination. Local antiseptic and antibacterial therapies were ineffective. The ALCL was diagnosed on morphoimmunologic re-examination of the skin. Life expectancy after disease manifestation to patient’s death was 6 months.Conclusion. Rare cases of skin involvement at ALCL require mandatory histological and immunohistochemical examinations. Second biopsy with reconsideration of histological preparations in the reference center may be necessary due to clinical-laboratory picture of the inflammatory process accompanying the tumor itself.
