Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers (Feb 2013)

The use of concept maps to detect and correct concept errors (mistakes)

  • Ladislada del Puy Molina Azcárate

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4.1, no. Special
pp. 122 – 131


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This work proposes to detect and correct concept errors (EECC) to obtain Meaningful Learning (AS). The Conductive Model does not respond to the demand of meaningful learning that implies gathering thought, feeling and action to lead students up to both compromise and responsibility. In order to respond to the society competition about knowledge and information it is necessary to change the way of teaching and learning (from conductive model to constructive model). In this context it is important not only to learn meaningfully but also to create knowledge so as to developed dissertive, creative and critical thought, and the EECC are and obstacle to cope with this. This study tries to get ride of EECC in order to get meaningful learning. For this, it is essential to elaborate a Teaching Module (MI). This teaching Module implies the treatment of concept errors by a teacher able to change the dynamic of the group in the classroom. This M.I. was used among sixth grade primary school and first grade secondary school in some state assisted schools in the North of Argentina (Tucumán and Jujuy). After evaluation, the results showed great and positive changes among the experimental groups taking into account the attitude and the academic results. Meaningful Learning was shown through pupilʼs creativity, expressions and also their ability of putting this into practice into everyday life.
