BIO Web of Conferences (Jan 2020)
Analysis of the emotional strain influence on the indicators of the heart rhythm variability in students
To determine the features of the cardiovascular system functional state in students using some indicators of heart rate variability under emotional strain. The research involved 67 male students with an average level of daily motor activity. The age range corresponded to 18 - 23 years. All the examined in the personal history had no deviations in health status and were considered to belong to the main medical group. The tonic activity of the autonomic nervous system in the normal condition was determined using the rhythmocardiographic method on the “Varicard 2.51” hardware-software complex according to the indicators of heart rate variability mathematical analysis. Cardio intervals were recorded in the normal condition and under conditions of emotional stress (the examination session was a model of stress). The analysis of heart rate variability was carried out on the basis of the statistical analysis indicators evaluation - SDNN, pNN50 and variational pulsometry - Mo, AMo, MxDMn, IN. Depending on the initial tonicity of the autonomic nervous system, all examined students were divided into groups: vagotonics, normotonics and sympathotonics. Among the determined values, the examination stress had the greatest impact on the stress index and the share of neighboring RR intervals, which differ by more than 50 ms. If the stress index significantly increased in students with vago- and normotonia, the proportion of neighboring RR intervals, differing by more than 50 ms, decreased in all the studied groups Taking an exam led to psycho-emotional stress of the body. It caused autonomic provision restructuring of cardiac activity due to an increase in the sympathetic effect. The results of the research may be of interest to all participants of the educational process.