International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery (Apr 2016)
The Association of the Dietary FatandFunctional OvarianCystsin Women ofReproductive Age Referring toThree Hospitals in Mashhad, Iran, 2014
Background:Functionalovariancysts (FOC) areoneofthe most commongynecologicalproblemsamongwomen of reproductive age. Some studieshave shownthatdiet mayaffectthefunction of the ovaries, so this study was performed to determine the association between the amount of dietary fatandfunctionalovariancysts. Methods: This case-control study was performed on 264 female patients (132 with cyst in the case group and 132 in the control group) aged 13 to 49. The case group had ovarian cyst with a size of less than 8 cm and the control group didn’t have any ovarian cyst. Data were collected by questionnaires including a demographic questionnaire, and medical and midwifery characteristics questionnaire; the amount of fat in the diet was measured using foodfrequency questionnaire(FFQ). Data were analyzed using SPSS software. P<0.05 was considered significant. Results: The meanof fat consumption in the case group was 119.84±103.09gandin the control group it was109.90±54.66g. The result of data analysis showed thatthere was nostatistically significantrelationship between theamount offatin the dietandFOC in confidence level of 95% (P=0.056). Conclusion: According to the findings of thisstudy,the amount of fat consumption was higher in womenwithovariancysts; however, thisdifference wasnot statistically significant. Inthisregard, it is recommendedthat womenof reproductive age should reduce theirfat intake.