Bulletin de l’Association de Géographes Français (Mar 2023)
Le service de santé environnementale parisien : continuité et renouvellement
The operational activities, the studies, the expertise of the Parisian environmental health unit presented here bring to light the innovative character of the involvement of the city of Paris in the field of environmental health initiated a few years ago. Following the Paris plan for environmental health, they bear witness to the investment of the Paris administration in this new field, through the creation of a dedicated structure. The plurality of actors concerned by the transversal actions led, rooted in an ecological vision, diverging from a more classical functioning operating through narrowly separated and independent entities, entail a renewal of the decision-making process, even of the governance approach. This implementation testifies to a long evolution of sanitary stakes since hygienism. Set in the Parisian context and its long heritage, the Parisian example comes forth as a laboratory opening a more comprehensive way towards meeting the aspirations of residents and their desire to live in a more inclusive, human and pleasant city.