Barataria (Oct 2010)
Analysis of the socio-familial and labor area in the people affected by the syndrome of Ardystil / Análisis del área sociofamiliar y laboral en las personas afectadas por el síndrome de Ardystil
At first there is done a theoretical review of the Psychology of the Organizations, analyzing it from the historical beginnings of the Psychology of the work, through different theories, up to coming to the concept of Organization. The statistics on accidents at work place Spain as one of the countries where there are more accidents in the area of the European Union. The article 40.2 of the Constitution assigns to the government, as one of the guiding principles of the social and economic policy, to ensure the health and safety at work. To the fulfilment of this mandate responds the Law of Prevention of Labour Risks 31/1995, November 8th. For this empirical study there try to be valued aspects related to the daily life of the subject and for what way this one sees harmed by the presence of the pathology in the social family and labour area, after such a serious event took place for the health, due to exposure of textile workers to the disease known as "Syndrome of Ardystil", which caused deaths and serious injuries. This work analyzes the above mentioned sequels among the former workers.