Fuori Luogo (Nov 2024)

Pursuing Urban Liveability with Nature-Based Solutions. A Multi-Faceted Strategy Towards Sustainability

  • Silvia De Nardis

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 3


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In an age of high anthropic pressure on the environment, cities seek to innovate their strategies in favour of greater urban liveability. This means searching for effective solutions to ensure citizens’ well-being, health, productivity and social inclusion. Among the various ongoing trials, nature-based solutions seem to promisingly contribute to realising liveable urban contexts. Created to deal with the costs of climate change, ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss, they soon became a multi-faceted strategy via which to tackle societal challenges. This paper explores the role of nature-based solutions in addressing collective needs at an urban scale, investigating their relationships with social innovation processes and focussing attention on urban-greening solutions. It investigates the transformative potential of nature-based solutions in producing sustainable liveability and focusses on the implementation-process elements with the potential to affect policies, governance and practices. The analysis of the opportunities for a dynamic and liveable environment to create new and positive scenarios for profound mainstreaming change is included. The study deepens the case of UIA UPPER Latina, a project devoted to the urban regeneration of abandoned and degraded areas by using co-designed and self-produced nature-based solutions. It represents a pioneering experience in the European production and management of parks, being characterised by the ambition to integrate greenness with innovative services in the educational, social and economic sectors. A continuous process of collaboration between various stakeholders–in the public-private-people partnership model–gives rise to a dynamic and open community of practice that is still in progress. The results suggest that nature-based solutions can represent tools that if incorporated into an integrated and multi-level strategy, will help meet urgent needs, foster vibrant and liveable systems, activate innovative processes and stimulate awareness of sustainable transitions.
