Биопрепараты: Профилактика, диагностика, лечение (Feb 2018)
Certification of the branch standard sample of anti-alpha-staphylolysin content, and some aspects of its use
The article summarises materials on the certification of a candidate branch standard sample (BSS) of anti-alpha-staphylolysin content - OSO 42-28-342-2017 FSBI «SCEEMP» of the Ministry of Health of Russia, batch No. 34, production date April 1, 2017, expiry date April 1, 2018. According to the Certification programme the reaction of neutralization of staphylococcal toxin hemolytic properties was carried out to establish the range of the certified property of the candidate BSS against the WHO international standard (21±2 IU/ml). The BSS of anti-alpha-staphylolysin content can be used for quantitative determination of antibodies to staphylococcal exotoxin (alpha-staphylolysin) in the reaction of neutralization of staphylococcal toxin (alpha-toxin) hemolytic properties by specific antibodies present in human blood plasma and in a number of biologicals (normal and specific human immunoglobulins, purified and adsorbed staphylococcal toxins, and diagnostic staphylococcal toxin).