BIO Web of Conferences (Jan 2024)
Molecular genetic analysis as a method of detecting microorganisms in industrial poultry farming
Methods of molecular genetic analysis are widely used to study the air microbiota. These methods make it possible to study all groups of microorganisms without the need for their cultivation. The purpose of the study was to analyze the microbiota of the poultry house air environment by the qPCR method and identify the presence of representatives of the normophlora, opportunistic and pathogenic microflora. The research plan included sampling of the air microbiota from a three-tier cage battery for poultry rearing for 42 days. The data obtained revealed an increase in the presence of microorganisms during the entire experiment, the largest number of them was detected on the 42nd day of cultivation on the lower tier. The results of the study emphasize the importance of timely detection and assessment of the microbiota of the air to prevent the spread of diseases and their impact on the health and productivity of birds.