Збірник наукових праць: Серія: Галузеве машинобудування, будівництво (Jul 2019)
Research of the specific steel shells progressive collapse prevention
The article deals with coatings in the form of the specific steel shells. After a detailed analysis certain number of accidents and collapses, these collapses can be classified as “progressive” collapse. The main purpose of the article is the development of design algorithms for evaluation of the stress-strain state and preventing the progressive collapse of the specific steel shells. The method of prevention progressive collapse has been developed in the form of a constructive modernization. The comparative finite-element analysis of the strained-strain state of the specific shells original models, models of discretecontinual ribbed shells (with constructive upgrading) and models of solid ribbed shells has been carried out. From the analysis results it can be concluded that the proposed modernization method can be considered as one of the possible options for preventing progressive collapses and increasing the bearing capacity of specific steel shells.