Linguistica Uralica (Dec 2022)
Наименования водяного духа-хозяина в диалектах коми-зырянского языка [Designations of the Water Sprite (Water Host) in the Dialects of Komi-Zyrian]
In this article, a variety of mythonyms, including more than two dozens of nominating units (separate lexemes and compound names), is studied from an onomasiological point of view. Thus it became possible to identify the feature relevant for native speakers in the nomination of one of the chief spirits connected to natural space. Among the strategies of naming the water sprite (Russ. водÑной) euphemism plays a significant role. The main mechanisms of euphemization consist in the application of borrowings, lexemes that appeal to the external characteristics of the mythological character, and also those pointing to the locus of the demon. The main sources for the research were dialect dictionaries of Komi-Zyrian, publications on Komi mythology and folklore. Data from lexicographic sources of other Finno-Ugric languages and etymological dictionaries were also applied.