Revista Ciencias de la Salud (Jun 2005)
Cost-Effective Comparison Between Two Anesthesia Techniques: Sevofluorane-Remifentanyl vs Isofluorane-Remifentanyl
We are in the of costs optimization era, reasonwhy it is necessary to make pharmaceuticaleconomics studies to identify the costeffectivenessof today’s anesthetics. Methods: thisprospective study, blinded to the patient,compared the direct costs, recovery times andsatisfaction of 45 patients randomly assigned totwo balanced anesthesia groups (sevofluoraneremifentanilgroup n = 24 or isofluoraneremifentanilgroup n = 21) submitted tootorhinolaringology surgical procedures.Results: the times of early recovery (ocularopening, answer to commandos, extubación,orientation and room leave) were smaller in ISOgroup and had statistically significant difference. Variable data was found in acquisition costs ofhalogenados gastados, lesser for isofluorane,which also made the anesthetic supplies lessexpensive during surgical procedures; nevertheless,costs in the delivery room, in recoveryand ambulatory room, and the total costs did notshow significant differences. Satisfaction was similarbetween both groups. Conclusions: asevofluorane-remifentanil based technique is notmore cost-effective than to use isofluoraneremifentanilfor ambulartory patients submittedto otorhinolaringology surgical procedures