Romanian Review of Geographical Education (Aug 2021)
A Dynamic Map Design for Global Awareness in Social Studies Teaching.
In this study, the stages of creating a dynamic map in Microsoft Ex cel w i th the r api d prototyping instructional design model developed by Tripp and Bichelmeyer are explained to support and improve students’ global awareness in social studies l essons in Turkey. The dynamic map was created in four general stages in the study , i n w hi ch the waterfall design model was adopted. First, the needs and content anal y si s of the study were conducted for this aim. In the second stage, an algor i thm w as cr eated i n line with the determinations of the first stage, and, within this framework, the prototype of the dynamic map was designed in Microsoft Excel. In the third stage, the working status of the dynamic map was checked, the design process w as com pl eted, and the distortions on the coordinate system were eliminated. In the last stage, the dynamic map was evaluated by three experts, and the final prototype was created based on their feedback. The study was conducted using action research, the reflections of the acquisitions in the dynamic map are evaluated descriptively , and the opinions about the dynamic map are evaluated with content analysis. According to the obtained results, the dynamic map can reflect the acquisitions, concretize the content, and increase students’ map literacy levels, but it also requires teacher support. In addition, the map also supports the competencies in teaching programs with mathematics and learning skills. Suggestions based on these results are also pr ovi ded for educators and researchers.