Рациональная фармакотерапия в кардиологии (Mar 2016)

Pharmacoeconomic analysis of heart rate slowing drugs in patients with ischemic heart disease

  • E. I. Tarlovskaya,
  • T. I. Chudinovskikh

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 1
pp. 40 – 44


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Aim. To compare the efficacy and cost/effectiveness ratio of the original and generic bisoprolol in achieving target heart rate (HR) in patients with ischemic heart disease.Material and methods. Patients with ischemic heart disease (n=60; 36 males and 24 females) aged from 35 to 75 years were included into the study. Patients were randomized into group A (received therapy based on the original bisoprolol) or into group B (received therapy based on of generic bisoprolol). Ivabradine was added, if the effect was insufficient. The duration of follow-up was 6 weeks. The HR dynamics was assessed during the study period. Cost/effectiveness ratio was calculated.Results. Significant HR slowing was found in both groups by the end of observation. In group A baseline HR was 70.0±5.6 beats/min and in 6 weeks - 58.1±3.8 beats/min, while in group B - 69.5±5.2 and 60.5±3.9 beats/min respectively. HR slowing was significantly higher in group A than that in group B. Direct costs in order to achieve a target HR in 1 patient for 6 weeks of therapy in group A were 663.75 rubles, while this in group B - 1093.58 rubles. Direct costs for HR deceleration by 1 beat in group A were 48.46 rubles vs 69.40 rubles in group B. The effect of therapy based on the original bisoprolol, is superior to that when generic bisoprolol used.Conclusion. HR-slowing effect of therapy based on the original bisoprolol was superior to that when generic bisoprolol was used. Pharmacoeconomic analysis revealed that HR deceleration was more economically profitable in treatment based on the original bisoprolol.
