Al-Rafidain Dental Journal (Aug 2009)
The Antibacterial Effect of Myrtus Communis as Root Canal Irrigant: A comparative Study
Aims: To evaluate the antibacterial effect of Myrtus communis alcoholic extract solution when used asintracanal irrigant and to compare it with the currently used root canal irrigants. Materials and methods:Samples of 30 patients of both sexes were included in the in vitro study having 30 uniradicularnecrotic pulp. Microbiological samples were obtained from the root canal and then transferred for laboratorywork. In the clinical trail "in vivo", samples of 32 patients having uniradicular necrotic pulp.They were randomly divided into four groups major depending on the type of irrigant solution used.Samples from root canal obtained at the beginning of the study and after treatment. The percentage ofthe reduction of the counts for both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria were calculated. Results: The invitro study showed that the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was obtained with the 35% Myrtuscommunis alcoholic extract. In the clinical trail, the antimicrobial effectiveness of 35% Myrtuscommunis alcoholic extract solution was evident and comparable with that from other commonly usedroot canal irrigant like chlorhexidine 0.2% and sodium hypochlorite 5.25%. Conclusions: This studyrevealed that alcoholic extraction solution (35%) from Myrtus communis has antibacterial effect andcould be used as root canal irrigant.