Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki (Oct 2018)
Tourist attractiveness of continents and countries in the opinion of Polish tourists
In 2017 in Kurozwęki Estate - one of the most important tourist attractions in Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship (Poland), research survey was carried out which included 2665 people, 99.8% of whom came from Poland. The subject matter of the survey was to analyse the opinions of tourists on tourist attractiveness of continents and countries. The results of the research indicate that tourists find Europe the most attractive continent. Asia was the next most attractive continent. The following were Australia and Oceania, South America and Africa. At the same time, Poland was chosen as the most attractive country, followed by Italy, Spain and France. The USA, China, Japan, Australia and Egypt were pointed as the most attractive non-European countries. Statistically, every third respondent spends from 8 to 14 days every year to realise their touristic goals. Nearly 40% of the respondents spend PLN 2000 maximum, and every fifth spends more than PLN 5000 (1 Euro - 4.28 PLN).