Depik Jurnal (Jul 2016)
Karakteristik habitat dan pola pertumbuhan kepiting kelapa (Birgus latro) di Pulau Ternate dan Kabupaten Halmahera Barat Provinsi Maluku Utara
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik habitat dan pola pertumbuhan kepiting kelapa (Birgus latro) di Takome Pulau Ternate dan Idamdehe Kecamatan Jailolo Propinsi Maluku Utara. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April-Juli 2014. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah tekstur substrat dengan metode pipet, penentuan kandungan nitrat danfosfat tanah dengan metode spektofotometer, pengukuran panjang + rostrum (cp+r) kepiting kelapa dan pola pertumbuhannya. Selain it juga diukur suhu udara, suhu lubang dan kelembaban udara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Idamdehe memiliki karakteristik pantai yang curam, bahkan di beberapa lokasi penangkapan sangat terjal, sedangkan di lokasi Takome Pulau Ternate memiliki karakteristik pantai yang lebih landai. Tekstur substrat di lokasi Takome Pulau Ternate terdiri atas pasir (55,76 %), debu (18,4%) dan liat (25,84%) dan Stasiun Idamdehe memiliki tekstur pasir (49,17%), debu (25,61%) dan liat (25,22%)dankandungan bahan organik substrat (Total N) di Takome adalah 0,31% dan total P adalah 0,09% sedangkan di Idamdehe Total N adalah 0,19% dan Total P 0,02%. Suhu udara di lokasi Idamdehe berkisar 26-280C dan di Takome 27-280C. Kelembaban udara 73%-98% di Idamdehe dan 71%-90% di Takome. Parameter lingkungan berupa suhu udara, kelembaban udara, tekstur substrat dan kandungan bahan organik di kedua lokasi penelitian mendukung kehidupan kepiting kelapa di habitat alaminya. Pola pertumbuhan kepiting kelapa di kedua lokasi Idamdehe adalah allometrik negatif. Kata kunci: Karakteristik habitat, Idamdehe, Takome, Birgus latro, isometrik, allometrik negatif Abstract. This objectives of the present study were to evaluate the habitat characteristics and growth patterns of the coconut crabs in Takome and Idamdehe waters North Maluku Province. This study was conducted during April-July 2014. The collected data were the substrate texture, nitrate and phosphate contents of soil using spectrophotometric method, length + rostrum (cp+r) of coconut crabs and the growth patterns. In addition, the air temperature, hole temperature and humidity were also recorded during the study. The results showed that Idamdehe waters has precipitous coast, indeed very precipitous in several catching locations, while Takome waters in Ternate Island has sloping coast. The substrate texture of Takome waters in Ternate Island consisted of sands (55.76%), dusts (18.4%) and clays (25.84%), while Idamdehe waters has the substrate texture that consisted of sands (49.17%), dusts (25.61 %) and clays (25.22%). As for organic matter contents of the substrate, Takome waters has 0.31% in total N and 0.09% in total P, while Idamdehe waters has 0.19% in total N and 0.02 % in total P. The air temperature in Idamdehe waters ranged between 26-280C and in Takome waters ranged between 27-280C. Air humidity in Idamdehe waters was 73%-98% and in Takome waters was 71%-90%. The environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, substrate texture and organic matter content in both locations are suitable for coconut crab growing. The growth pattern of coconut crabs in Idamdehe and Sulamadaha waters were allometric negative pattern. Keywords: Habitat characteristics, Idamdehe, Takome, Birgus latro, isometric, negative allometric.