Gaceta Sanitaria (Jan 2021)

PQRST wave detection on ECG signals

  • Putri Madona,
  • Rahmat Ilias Basti,
  • Muhammad Mahrus Zain

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 35
pp. S364 – S369


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Objective: One way of detecting the heart disease is to determine the presence of abnormalities in PQRST interval on ECG signals. Therefore, it is expected to be used as a preliminary diagnosis of heart health and to prevent or decrease the mortality rate due to heart attack. Methods: This paper uses three main processes: data acquisition, signal preprocessing, and feature extraction. The experiment was done to eighteen subjects recorded for 2 min in a relaxed condition to obtain P wave points, QRS complexes, and T waves. Result: Based on the data obtained from the 18 subjects, the average accuracy of point P detection is 98.31%, point Q = 98.7%, point R = 99.12%, point S = 86.27%, and point T = 97.99%. Conclusion: The extraction of used features proved capable of detecting P waves, QRS complexes, T waves, as well as the amount of heart rate on all subjects.
