In Medias Res (Sep 2013)
New Media and Cyborgised Body as Space of Transhumanism Art
A new transhumanism concepts of ‘’human’’ and desire for transcending human boundaries is present in the post-modern art that uses new media, science and technology in the creation of post-human artistic vision of human. The transformation of the natural human body in order to enhance its natural limitations became an inspiration for many artists. The new ‘’art laboratory’’ uses the power of robotics, new media, and medical interventions as means of art expression. The reason for these efforts, artists see in questioning the limits of their own body, its improvements, dematerialization and the possibility of creating multiple identities in virtual reality. An example of a new concept ‘’cyborg/robotic art'' is an Australian artist and performance artist Stelarc who puts the body at the centre, as a representative object of art, ''enlarged and increased’’ through the technological prosthesis. Such transhumanism art, in which natural man is replaced by a ‘’robotic sculpture'' contributes to establishing transhuman image of future human nature.