Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()

Teachers’ experiences about first aid at school

  • Nelson Miguel Galindo Neto,
  • Gerdane Celene Nunes Carvalho,
  • Régia Christina Moura Barbosa Castro,
  • Joselany Áfio Caetano,
  • Ellen Cristina Barbosa dos Santos,
  • Telma Marques da Silva,
  • Eliane Maria Ribeiro de Vasconcelos

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 71, no. suppl 4
pp. 1678 – 1684


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ABSTRACT Objective: To unveil the experiences of primary and elementary school teachers about first aid at school. Method: a descriptive, qualitative study, conducted in May 2014, from a focus group with nine teachers from the municipal network of Bom Jesus-PI. Audio recording occurred, content was transcribed, and data were processed by IRAMUTEQ software and analyzed from the Descendant Hierarchical Classification. Results: Three classes were obtained: Teachers’ knowledge about first aid (influence of maternal experience, belief in popular myths and awareness of lack of preparation were indicated); Feelings in situations of urgency and emergency (anguish, fear and concern); First aid at school, (occurring in class or during break time, coming from collisions and syncope). Final considerations: The research evidenced experiences based on popular beliefs, family experiences and knowledge gaps. The lack of preparation was evidenced by the teachers’ reports about having misconduct during first aid at school.
