AIP Advances (May 2022)

Correlation of fast electron ejections, terahertz waves, and harmonics emitted from plasma mirrors driven by sub-relativistic ultrashort laser pulse

  • Xiang-bing Wang,
  • Guang-yue Hu,
  • Bai-fei Shen,
  • Hui-bo Tang,
  • Zhi-meng Zhang,
  • Yu-qiu Gu

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 5
pp. 055002 – 055002-8


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When an ultrashort laser pulse incidents onto a plasma mirror, there exist fast electron ejections, terahertz (THz) radiation, and harmonic generation simultaneously. We investigated the correlation of these three emission phenomena at a preplasma density gradient scale length of (0.05–1)λ and sub-relativistic laser intensity (a0 = 0.4) via particle-in-cell simulation. It is shown that THz radiation is positively correlated with fast electron ejections. As the gradient scale length increases, both enhance first, reach a maximum at 0.4λ, and then degrade at a longer scale length. Harmonic generation, on the other hand, presents the strongest radiation at a sharp surface of 0.05λ and then decays continuously at a softer gradient, indicating that it has an anti-correlation with the fast electron ejections at first (0.4λ, the absorption rate decreases continuously according to stochastic heating, and the dependence on laser polarization is eventually lost. The transition of laser absorption mechanisms alters the correlation among fast electrons, THz driven by ejected fast electrons via coherent transition radiation, and harmonics excited by bounded electrons.