Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Крыма (May 2019)

Палеопедологические исследования курганов эпохи бронзы у с. Буковна в Прикарпатье / Paleopedological Studies of the Bronze Barrows Age Near Bukovna Village in Subcarpathia

  • J.N. Matviyishyna,
  • Sergey D. Lysenko,
  • A. G. Parhomenko

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10
pp. 11 – 76


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Burial-mound “Bukovna” is one of the basic sights of Komaryvska culture of Tshynetsky cultural circle. It is located on the high right bank of the Dniester River on the west and south from the Bukovna Village Tlymatsky District of Ivano-Frankivsk Region. In the 1930s, there were excavated 13 burial-mounds. The work was resumed in 2010—2013. In Group No. 1 three mounds were excavated and in Group No. 2 was explored one more. Mound No. 1 of Group No. 2 is the earliest among the studied mounds. This mound can be dated by ending of third and beginning of second millennium BCE for its ceramic complex and arrowhead. It is also synchronized with the block of Postcatacomb cultures. Mounds of Group No. 1 for ceramic complex and non-ferrous metal products can be attributed to the early stage of the Komarivska culture and dated within the second quarter of the second millennium BCE. All the mounds are erected over a slight natural increase that visually increases their size. The main part of the mounds is composed of chunks of sod from the surface of the ancient soil. The top of this roll laying is blocked by rocked siltstone mass from subsoil. The soils, on which the mounds were built, are identified as hed soils that develop under meadow vegetation in warm-temperate climate with sufficient rainfall. In the Bronze Age, the natural areas in the Carpathian region were certainly shifted to the North, dominated by open spaces with lot beech and hornbeam forests.
