Jurnal Delima Harapan (Mar 2018)
Hubungan Antara Pengetahuan Remaja Tentang Seks Dengan Pergaulan Remaja Di SMKN (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri) Bandar Kabupaten Pacitan
Adolescence is a period of transition from children to adults, not just in terms of psychological but also physical. Even the physical changes that occur that are a primary symptom in the juvenile growth, whereas psychological changes arise, among others, as a result of physical changes. After the interview on 5 student at SMK (Vocational High School) Bandar obtained two students have good knowledge about sex and 3 students have knowledge about sex is lacking. Of the 123 students in grade 11, there are eight students out. The general objective of this research was to determine the Relationship Between Knowledge About Teen Sex With Teen Intercourse at SMK (Vocational High School) Bandar Pacitan. This tyipe research is analytic with cross sectional approach. A total population of 123 students. In this study used a sample of 94 students. Independent variable in this study is the knowledge of adolescent about sex. The dependent variable is the teenage promiscuity. In the collection of data in this study using a questionnaire. Hypothesis testing is done with the Spearman Rank correlation test. Based on the research that almost half of adolescents knowledgeable Both are 34 respondents (36%), and nearly half of them (46%) have positive Teen Intercourse . From the test results obtained Spearman Rank probability value (ρ) = 0,000 with significance level of 0.01. So there is the Relationship Between Knowledge About Teen Sex With Teen Intercourse At SMK Bandar Pacitan. With a correlation coefficient of 0.651, which shows that the relationship strong. Expected more teachers often provide knowledge about sex, counseling and parents should supervise their children in order to control not one to hang out. And for health workers is expected to do counseling in schools about the knowledge of sex that teens do not get the wrong information about sex.