Медицина неотложных состояний (Nov 2022)
Modern approaches to diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cerebral stroke
In Ukraine, the problem of stroke, like other cardiovascular diseases, is extremely acute: it leads to 67 % of all deaths. The Ministry of Health of Ukraine notes that more than 140,000 of our compatriots are diagnosed with stroke every year; 30–40 % of patients die in the first 3 days and up to 50 % — within a year; 20–40 % of survivors become dependent on external assistance (12.5 % of primary disability). All over the world, measures that can prevent the occurrence of a stroke, and methods for rehabilitation of people who have already developed it are of great importance in terms of solving the problem of vascular disasters. This article provides scientifically based etiopathogenetic mechanisms of cerebral stroke (ischemic, hemorrhagic), its diagnosis (clinical, instrumental, laboratory), diagnostic criteria for early detection and early emergency (urgent) medical care. Examples of providing care in the pre-hospital period, inpatient (stroke centers) stage — primary, secondary and tertiary care are given. The importance of early rehabilitation and preventive measures is emphasized. It is indicated that it is important to act urgently and to focus efforts where the greatest effectiveness in stroke prevention can be achieved.