Lithosphere (Jan 2022)
Research on Mechanical Properties of U-Shaped Retractable Gangue Prevention Structure of Gob-Side Entry by Roof Cutting and Pressure Releasing in Deep Mining
AbstractIn recent years, as a new type of gob-side entry retaining method, roadway automatically formed by roof cutting and pressure releasing (RAFRCPR) has been widely used in China. Under the condition of deep mining, the deformation of the gangue rib of the automatically formed gob-side entry retaining is difficult to control, and it is difficult for the traditional I-shaped steel to provide the needed support. To effectively control the deformation of the gangue rib, a new type of U-shaped retractable gangue prevention structure (URGPS) with high lateral support strength and axial compressible dynamic absorption energy is proposed. Based on the geological conditions of the 21304-working face in the Chengjiao coal mine in Henan, the mechanical characteristics of URGPS and the causes of its local instability are analyzed in detail employing theoretical analysis, laboratory tests, and numerical simulation. A reasonable bolt tightening force, overlap length, and lap combination form of the URGPS are determined according to the actual situation of the project site. Engineering practice shows that a URGPS that was applied to control the deformation of the gangue rib in deep roof-cutting roadway was effective.