Belgeo (Sep 2006)
Geomorfologisch, geoarcheologisch, paleoecologisch en paleobotanisch onderzoek van de havenuitbreidingswerken op de linker Scheldeoever ten noorden van Antwerpen
The expansion of the Antwerp Harbour since the seventies of previous century demanded great infrastructural changes. Together with these industrial adaptations, scientific insight about the archaeological context and the knowledge about the palaeolandscape increased.The emphasis of the research now lies on the localization and mapping of archaeological sites and the reconstruction of the Quaternary landscape. This area suits perfectly to these aims, due to its very specific location and stratigraphy. These conditions resulted in an excellent preservation of different occupation levels and its specific landscape features.The first part of this paper gives a thorough explanation on the current methodology in which “Plas Drijdyck” is used as a case-study. By means of this example the differentiated approach of the various levels of occupation are demonstrated.The evolution and history of the landscape in the late Pleistocene and Holocene forms the bulk of the second part. It wants to give an overview of the results of the natural scientifical research, already carried out in the area of the “Wase Scheldepolders”.