Turkish Journal of Orthodontics (Apr 1997)

The Combınatıon Treatment Of Open-Bıte Cases Wıth Actıvator, Occıpıtal Headgear And Vertıcal Chın-Cap, Effect On The Skeletal Structure In Early Development Stages

  • Meliha Rübendüz,
  • Zahir Altuğ

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 1
pp. 38 – 45


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This stduy was held on skeletal and dental open-bite cases. All the. individuals were in the early stages of development. The sample comprised of a treatment group, which consists of 13 girls and 6 boys, totally 19 individuals and a control group that, consists of 7 girls and 8 boys, totally 15 individuals. The stduy was carried on 68 lateral cephalograms and 68 hand-wrist films of 34 subjects, collected at the beginning and at the end of treatment and control periods. The effects of the treatment were investigated by means of 41 cephalometric measurements A possible increase in vertical facial angle and the total anterior facial height were prevented during treatment. Anterior lower facial heights were found to be more effective in the prevention of these vertical increments. Besides, the occipital headgear prevented the maxillary sagittal dimensional increase.
