iScience (Nov 2020)
PbS Colloidal Quantum Dot Inks for Infrared Solar Cells
Summary: Infrared PbS colloidal quantum dot (CQD)-based materials receive significant attention because of its unique properties. The PbS CQD ink that originates from ligand exchange of CQDs is highly potential for efficient and stable infrared CQD solar cells (CQDSCs) using low-temperature solution-phase processing. In this review, we present a comprehensive overview of CQD inks for the development of efficient infrared solar cells, which can effectively harvest the photons from the infrared wavelength region of the solar spectrum, including the importance of infrared absorbers for solar cells, the unique properties of CQDs, ligand-exchange determined CQD inks, and related photovoltaic performance of CQDSCs. Finally, we present a brief conclusion, and the possible challenges and opportunities of the CQD inks are discussed in-depth to further develop highly efficient and stable infrared solar cells.